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dom yoga experience 2

yoga experience

DOM School lands in São Paulo. Will we meet in person?
February 19, from 8am to 12pm

The CONTACT DANCE YOGA - HEALING TOUCHES cycle is dedicated to the health of interpersonal relationships. Through practices, studies and experiences of

Yoga , Chakra System and Contact Improvisation Dance

We harmonize our ways of interacting with others. An important experience of human contact in times of isolation and digital alienation. We rescue the spontaneity and pleasure of dialogue between bodies and minds, playfully evoking collective creative consciousness.

This cycle is part of the DOM Experience Transformation Journey. Each of the 7 cycles was designed separately and encompasses a universe in itself. Together they form a complete journey of awakening the Original DOM - a creative and philosophical process for the emancipation of the Human Being.

Limited vacancies! Secure yours now!


Presented by Lu Brites

LU BRITES is the creator of the DOM Method and founder of DOM School. She is a dancer, actress, choreographer, movement director, body trainer and yoga teacher. With over 25 years of experience on stage, screen and in the classroom, she is a Brazilian reference in the expression and teaching of what unites creativity, health and humanity.

Born and raised in Porto Alegre, she divides her time between São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and New York, taking her original work to different places in Brazil and around the world.


The use of a mask and presentation of proof of vaccination until at least the second dose will be mandatory


This class will take place via conscious contribution.
You pay for the class the amount you can afford and/or what you think is fair.

You can make your contribution when registering or at the end of the class on February 19th!

Sign me up!

I want to guarantee my place at contact dance yoga

Obrigada! Se quiser fazer sua contribuição agora, é só preencher abaixo!

Contribuição Consciente 

O que você puder e/ou quiser contribuir.


Obrigada pela sua contribuição!

yoga dom school rj


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